Tuesday, 25 August 2015

T plus 6 days: Site cut, retaining wall done.

I arrived at the site 7:30am on the start date to meet the supervisor. The toilet was already there, and it looked like they had nearly finished the site cut.

Talking to the neighbour it turns out they'd started just after 6:30am.

Once the house pad had been cut, the site was handed to me to erect a retaining wall. It took four days of solid labour from me, and a couple of days from my mate Paul to build.  We had no machinery, and 8 hours of that was spent digging holes with a shovel and another 16 digging and moving dirt. Without Paul's help I probably would never have finished it.

It's only OK for DIY...  A little untidy up close, but it should last a few years.    Total cost in materials was under $1000.

After expending all that effort, it'd be shame to knock the retaining wall down... but that's my plan.  I was going to spend big up-front and get a massive concrete construction straight away, but thought better of it at the last minute.  There is a clause in the builders specification that said if they damaged the retaining its my responsibility to fix it.  More importantly, when the house is finished I'll have a better understanding of how it will fit in to the other landscaping.